To ignite young minds with a passion for innovation, creativity, and problem-solving, empowering them to become visionary leaders of tomorrow's entrepreneurial landscape.



Our mission is to provide a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that inspires young minds to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset, foster holistic development, and encourage critical thinking. We aim to promote global citizenship and create lifelong learners while partnering with families and communities.



Innovation: Encourage creativity, experimentation, and the pursuit of new ideas.
Resilience: Teach the importance of perseverance and learning from setbacks.
Integrity: Foster honesty, ethical behaviour, and a strong sense of personal and social responsibility.
Empathy: Promote understanding and compassion towards others, both locally and globally.
Diversity: Embrace and celebrate differences, fostering a culture of inclusivity.
Collaboration: Encourage teamwork and cooperation, recognizing that success often involves collective effort.
Excellence: Strive for the highest standards of achievement in all endeavours.
Community Engagement: Instil a sense of responsibility to give back to the community and make a positive impact.



At Antah:Prerana, our philosophy centers on nurturing young minds to become future entrepreneurs who are not just adept in business but also grounded in ethics, creativity, and social responsibility. Our approach blends traditional academic learning with practical experiences, empowering students to explore their passions and develop the skills necessary to create, innovate, and lead in the ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape. Through mentorship, real-world projects, and an emphasis on ethical entrepreneurship, we aim to instill in our students a sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact on society.



The trust comprises eminent members who strongly believe that education is an opportunity for children to not only learn and grow, but to succeed and become better versions of themselves.


Our leadership comprises Award-winning, passionate educational experts in pedagogy, curriculum design and training. They don't just setup innovative schools but passionately share their skills and expertise with budding entrepreneurs.


Our staff comprises qualified, trained, multi-talented experts skilled in handling budding entrepreneurs. The staff‘s utmost priority is the safety and emotional well-being of the child.