If you have come looking for a School for your child, we assure you that your quest ends here! But, we also understand that you have questions before you put your trust in us. Team Antah:Prerana is happy to address your queries. Please go through the comprehensive list below and pick the answers you need!


1. What is the Educational Philosophy behind Antah:Prerana?
At Antah:Prerana, our philosophy centers on nurturing young minds to become future entrepreneurs who are not just adept in business but also grounded in ethics, creativity, and social responsibility. Our approach blends traditional academic learning with practical experiences, empowering learners to explore their passions and develop the skills necessary to create, innovate, and lead in the ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape. Through mentorship, real-world projects, and an emphasis on ethical entrepreneurship, we aim to instill in our learners a sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact on society.

2. Why do you call your school Antah:Prerana?
The term Antah:Prerana is deeply embedded in Indian thought, which means “inner calling” or “intrinsic motivation” in Sanskrit. This concept serves as the fuel for entrepreneurship, inspiring children to dream big and achieve the seemingly impossible. Interestingly, it’s also the phonetic root of the term “entrepreneur”. Our research team bases its ethos on the fundamental belief that every child is a born entrepreneur with inherent abilities, just like a beautiful seed that grows at its own pace and manifests uniquely. Therefore, at Antah:Prerana, our focus is on empowering our learners to confidently express their individuality, encapsulated in the phrase - “Just Being Me”.

3. What is unique about Antah:Prerana? Why do you call it ‘A New Age School’?
Antah:Prerana Learning System is a revolutionary concept, a balanced mix of nature, technology, entrepreneurship and life skills to equip the learner for any challenges in life. APLS will allow each learner to be tune in with her/his inner calling and become a job creator rather than a job seeker. To achieve this, Antah:Prerana has gone a step ahead to create unique learning spaces in the midst of nature for children to explore freely and nurture their budding years with rich experiences that are not possible to give at home.
We know that education is a lifelong process and schooling is only a part of it. Hence, Antah:Prerana’s attempt is not merely to take care of the academic needs of learners, but to lay a solid foundation for their harmonious coexistence with and for the society. Our effort is to provide personalised education within an environment in which they can mature into the doers and creators of the future. That is why we call it ‘A New Age School’.

4. Are the facilitators and staff equipped for the new philosophy?
Antah:Prerana has warm, caring, well-qualified and trained staff. Each one has been chosen after a series of interactions with our team of research experts in learner psychology and learning pedagogy in alignment with our Entrepreneurship Education Programme. Every staff member comes with the required education qualification, teaching/management experience, knowledge of a learner’s developmental stages, skill/expertise as required in the entrepreneurial endeavour/craft that the learners choose to undertake, and most importantly, a mindset in tune with Antah:Prerana philosophy.
Additionally, Antah:Prerana runs its Capability Development Programme called JNANAKOSH on a regular basis for its facilitators to improve upon the quality of education through an integrated training in all components of APEEP (Antah:Prerana Entrepreneurship Education Programme). The primary objective of this training programme is to motivate and equip our facilitators to apply the Antah:Prerana philosophy effectively and efficiently, so that they encourage learners to become self-reliant, think constructively, and develop sensitivity towards nature while building their own skills and competencies.

5. How do you provide social exposure to learners at Antah:Prerana?
Antah:Prerana believes that learners, irrespective of their age, are active members of the community. We encourage them to undertake social responsibility in whatever little form they can. We do not confine them to the school campus only. Field Trips, once a month to a location related to the theme of the month are an essential part of the Antah:Prerana Learning System.

6. What languages will the children learn in school?
English and Hindi are introduced in Level 1. In subsequent phases, we will introduce Sanskrit and some Foreign languages depending on the choice of learners and the need of the hour.


7. When does the admission process begin at Antah:Prerana?
The admission process at Antah:Prerana begins around November every year. For the upcoming session 2024-2025, admission is open only for Level 1 learners between 3 to 6 years of age.
The academic year starts during the first week of April 2024 and ends in March 2025. Applications for the new session will be accepted starting from the end of November 2023. Admissions will be open until June 2024, subject to availability and eligibility criteria.
As part of our admission process, we encourage you to visit our campus and meet our Admission Counselors to learn more about the school, curricular and co-curricular activities, and to get answers to all your queries. We would appreciate a call from you before you visit us, so that we can allocate a time specifically for you, and not have you wait for long. You can also register on our website to find specific details about our admission process.

8. What are the different Classes/Grades at Antah:Prerana?
Antah:Prerana way of Learning is free from the bounds of traditional yearly grade system or classes. Learners no longer rush to complete a pre-set syllabus; instead they chart out their own learning path and proceed depending on the extent and need of the entrepreneurial projects undertaken. This allows for fluidity within levels and scope for expansion or contraction of time limits beyond the project.
Antah:Prerana learners are classified in three levels -
Level 1 - Foundation of Learning (3-10 years of age)
Level 2- Identifying Natural Talent (11-13 years of age)
Level 3 - Building In-depth Skills (14-17 years of age)


9. What is the Fee Structure at Antah:Prerana?
You can approach the Accounts Section for the detailed Fee Structure.

10. Does Antah:Prerana provide any waiver in the Fee?
Yes. The school offers waiver in special cases. The counsellor will share the same with you during your visit.

11. Can the School Fee be paid in monthly/quarterly/half yearly instalments?
The Fee Rules prescribe that the Fee is paid in four quarterly instalments.


12. Is there a transport facility available at Antah:Prerana. What are the safety and security measures taken for learners travelling by the school transport?
Yes. Antah:Prerana offers transport facilities depending on the location and the number of learners attending the school from a particular location. We ensure that a support staff is present till the last drop. School transport is provided with First-aid kit, Fire extinguishers, and Telephone facility to handle emergency situation, if any.


13. What are the engagement hours for learners at Antah:Prerana?
Antah:Prerana engages the learners for six days in a week, for 7 energising and stress free hours. Regular School Timings for all levels are – 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM


14. Do you have a specific uniform at Antah:Prerana?
Keeping the comfort level of learners on top priority, Antah:Prerana dress-code will be simply Jeans and T-shirts in summer and warm track suits in winter with full sleeves T-shirts inside.


15. Does Antah:Prerana involve parents in any kind of activities?
Involved parents can make a positive and lasting impact on their child’s learning ability. When children experience early quality learning and care, they develop socially and emotionally. Parents as care-givers and active participants in the education of their child enable her/him to extend the learning beyond the classroom. Antah:Prerana encourages parents to be active partners in facilitating the process from learning to experiencing.
We adhere to a fixed Parent-Teacher meeting (PTM) schedule, which is printed in the school diary. PTMs provide us with opportunities to discuss your learner's growth and achievements with you. In addition to regular PTMs, Antah:Prerana also devises home tasks that encourage collaboration between the child and the parent and invites parents and grandparents for collaborative games/events in the school.
Parents can also arrange meetings whenever necessary with the level facilitator, Principal or the Director. They may contact the school Front Desk for an appointment or send a note in the school diary.

16. What is the mechanism of providing Feedback or suggestions to the school?
We consider parents to be our partners and look forward to their valuable suggestions for continuously improving our learning and management systems. They can drop their comments and suggestions via the following platforms –
- in the Suggestion Box at the Reception during their physical visit.
- on our Website antahprerana.
- send an email at
- make a Telephonic Call at the Reception at +91 98183 13878
- talk to the Level Facilitator/ HomeGuru during PTM


17. Does Antah:Prerana provide meals to its learners?
Yes, Antah:Prerana provides one Midday Meal to its learners. The Mealtime is a sacred ritual commencing with gratitude followed by sharing some Food Facts about the day’s menu so that they learn to experience and appreciate every bite they take. The menu is designed in a way which includes grains, pulses, seasonal vegetables, and fruits. It has an accent of Indian culture, tradition and seasons. Cooking is done with minimal oils and spices. Cooking in aluminium or plastic vessels and use of packaged and processed foods is strictly refrained from.

18. Do you have a nutritionist on board?
Yes, we have a visiting nutritionist for periodical quality checks.


19. What measures are being taken for the safety, security and hygiene of the learners?
Maintaining safety, security and hygiene of the learners is our top priority. We take the following measures to ensure the same.
i. Security guard manning the gate
ii. Regular Housekeeping and cleanliness
iii. Training of facilitators and staff in First-aid
iv. Mandatory fire drills conducted with learners on a regular basis.
v. Facilitators equipped in the use of fire extinguisher
vi. Police verification and medical check-up of support staff
vii. Fresh meals prepared in consultation with the nutritionist viii. A learner reporting sick in the campus is provided first-aid and subsequently the parent/s informed for necessary action.
ix. CCTV cameras installed in all classrooms and other strategic locations in the school. The staff and learners are constantly under observation
x. All staff members wear I-Cards issued to them by the school. This includes teaching/non- teaching, admin, and housekeeping and tertiary service staff.
xi. All Class IV employees are selected after rigorous screening and interviews. The details of bus drivers, conductors, cleaners, gardeners and helpers are submitted to the police for verification. These employees are not permitted to use the learners' toilets.
xii. During the recess, facilitators are on duty, in each floor and corridors, on the playground and on the staircases to monitor the learners.
xiii. No learner is permitted to leave the school premises without written permission of the Principal, which is only accorded if the learner is accompanied out of the school premises by her/his parent or guardian.
xiv. Learners are not allowed to carry Mobile Phones to school.

20. Do you have CCTV in classrooms?
Yes, CCTV cameras are installed in all classrooms and all the other strategic locations in the school campus. The staff and learners are constantly under observation.

21. Do you have fire extinguishers installed in Antah:Prerana Campus?
Yes. Fire extinguishers have been installed in the campus in all common areas.


22. Do you have an infirmary in the campus or have tied up with a hospital for medical needs of the learners?
We have an Infirmary well equipped with relevant and age-appropriate medications duly validated by a qualified doctor.We also have a tie up with a nearby hospital. A doctor and vehicle on call is available in case of an emergency situation. However, parents will be notified before any action is taken. Additionally, we have visiting doctors for Periodic Physical Health Check-ups and Measurement/Assessment of Growth Parameters such as Height, Weight, Eye-sight and Hearing.


23. What is the teacher to learner ratio in Antah:Prerana?
Towards our commitment of bringing out the best in our learners by providing personalised attention to each one, Antah:Prerana keeps a healthy 1:15 teacher/facilitator to learner ratio (1 facilitator per 15 learners).

24. What language does the support staff speak at Antah:Prerana?
Our support staff is well versed with Hindi and has adequate day-to-day working knowledge of English.

In case you still have any unanswered queries, please check with our front office OR drop in your specific query in the comments section on our website. We shall soon be in touch with you!
Thank you
Team Antah:Prerana